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Local Alarm Systems

Alarm systems that broadcast an audible signal that can be easily heard up to 400 feet away. Additionally, local alarm systems must be protected from

Similar items:
A group of networked systems in which all other members receive a broadcast signal when one of the members of the group transmits it.
An additional function that can be added to either local or centralized alarm systems. The purpose of an auxiliary alarm system is to notify local police or fire services when an alarm is triggered.
Circuit or device that detects failures or aberrations in the logic or operation of cryptoequipment. Cryptoalarm may inhibit transmission or may provide a visible and/or audible alarm.
A function that collects the security alarm messages, translates them into security alarm records, and writes them to the security alarm log.
A modulation technique in which the carrier frequency is shifted by an amount proportional to the value of the modulating signal. The amplitude of the carrier signal remains constant. The information signal causes the carrier signal to increase or decrease its frequency based on the waveform of the information signal.

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