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1. Network Access Control 2. Network Admission Control. See network access control (NAC).

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The network portion of an IP address. For a class A network, the network address is the first byte of the IP address. For a class B network, the network address is the first 2 bytes of the IP address. For a class C network, the network address is the first 3 bytes of the IP address. In the Internet, assigned network addresses are globally unique.
<p>A unique approach to network operation, design, and management. The concept is based on the theory that the complexities of a traditional network with on-device configuration (i. e. , routers and switches) often force an organization to stick with a single device vendor, such as Cisco, and limit the flexibility of the network to changing physical and business conditions. SDN aims at separating the infrastructure layer (i. e. , hardware and hardware-based settings) from the control layer (i. e. , network services of data transmission management).</p><p>SDN is a broad and developing concept addressing the management of the various network components with the objective of providing a control plane to manage traffic on a more abstract level through direct management of network components.<br></p>
An access control list is the usual means by which access to, and denial of, service is controlled. It is simply a list of the services available, each with a list of the hosts permitted to use the services. Most network security systems operate by allowing selective use of services. Mechanism implementing discretionary and/or mandatory access control between subjects and objects. The column of an access control matrix that specifies what level of access each subject has over an object.
A variety of techniques used to scan a range of IP addresses, searching for systems with open network ports. Network discovery scanners do not actually probe systems for vulnerabilities but provide a report showing the systems detected on a network and the list of ports that are exposed through the network and server firewalls that lie on the network path between the scanner and the scanned system.
A network connection established between two systems over an existing private or public network. A VPN provides confidentiality and integrity for network traffic through the use of encryption. A secure private network that uses the public telecommunications infrastructure to transmit data. In contrast to a much more expensive system of owned or leased lines that can only be used by one company, VPNs are used by enterprises for both extranets and wide are intranets. Using encryption and authentication, a VPN encrypts all data that passes between two Internet points, maintaining privacy and security. Protected information system link utilizing tunneling, security controls (. See information assurance), and endpoint address translation giving the impression of a dedicated line.

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